Sue ware fragment of pottery wall (kame) with marks displaying paddle and anvil manufacturing technique. Quartz inclusions.
AF TBO STC 063* Sueki pottery fragment of rim, with quartz inclusions.
P71 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 062 * Hajiki pottery fragment of bottom, with quartz inclusions
P74 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 061 * Hajiki (?) pottery fragment of Wall, with small inclusions
P68 in Oka
AF 60 Hajiki pottery fragment of Wall, small inclusions of quartz.
AFC TBO STC 059 Sue ware pot fragment showing paddling marks. Quartz inclusions.
P18 & P69 in Oka.
AF TBO 001 058 Sue ware fragment of mortar base.
P51 in Oka.
SU 111 desc
SU 111 sam
SU 111 dat
SU 111 stra
SU 111 reg
SU 111
Layer of brown silty sand with gravels.
SU 110 desc
SU 110 sam
SU 110 dat
SU 110 stra
SU 110 reg
SU 110
Layer of brown compact silty soil, with little stones inclusions. The layer is in the sub-trench at the limit of the sector D at the end of the slope, and from E-W
SU 109 desc
SU 109 sam
SU 109 dat
SU 109 stra
SU 109 reg
SU 109
Layer of yellowish brown compact soil, with little stone inclusions . The layer is at the end of the slope in the limits of sector D, in the sub-trench. The soil is friable.
AF TBO STC 056 * Sueki pottery, fragment of rim, with small inclusions of quartz.
P39 in Oka
AF TBO STC 055* Sueki pottery, fragment of rim of a bowl, TK107 group, number 2 (maybe). Very small inclusions of quartz.
P38 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 054 Sue ware fragment perhaps of a haso. Fragment is of the flaring neck, with small inclusions of quartz. (SU 205 layer).
P41 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 053 Base of pottery stand fragment with few quartz inclusions. (Sue ware).
P40 in Oka. Found in excavation edition TBO1 3A.
AF TBO STC 052 Fragment of Sueki jar (tsubo), with quartz inclusions. (Sue ware). Decoration of incised lines on the external surface and grooved lines at the point of contact between the body and the neck. These lines were engraved before the drying phase. This step was essential to avoid breakage during cooking. Subsequently, the “bisquing” phase, an initial low-temperature firing, eliminated residual humidity and prepared the ceramic for subsequent vitrification.
P37 in Oka. Found in excavation edition TBO4-3 (1A).
AF TBO STC 051* Sueki pottery, fragment of wall, with small carenated pattern and quartz inclusions. Burnished. Present two signs (maybe decoration) on external surface.
P23 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 050* Haji pottery, fragment of wall, with quartz inclusions
P49 in Oka
AF TBO STC 049* Fragment of sue pottery (?) of wall. Small inclusion Of quartz. The color of inner paste is reddish.
P50 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 048* Sueki pottery, fragment of
P34 in Oka
AF TBO STC 047 * Haji pottery, fragment of wall, with quartz inclusions and sign of firing activity in the external surface
P33 in Oka
AF TBO STC 004* Rim of thin walls Haji pottery bowl with small inclusion of quartz and black line generated by bad firing.
P13 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 046* Haji pottery (?), small fragment of wall, with small inclusions of quartz, and signs of fire actitivies on both sides.
P48 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 045* Sueki pottery, fragment of wall, inclusions of quartz, decorated by impressions.
P103 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 044* Haji pottery, fragment of a wall, inclusions of quartz.
P43 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 043* Haji pottery, fragment of a wall with traces of bad firing inside, and inclusions of quartz.
P29 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 042* Sueki pottery, fragment of a wall with decoration by impression and inclusions of quartz.
P31 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 041* Sueki pottery, fragment of a wall with small quartz inclusions.
P35 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 040* Small piece of Haji pottery, fragment of wall, full of inclusions specially quartz.
P40 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 039* Maybe Sueki. Fragment of pottery decorated by impression. Many inclusions of big quartz and mica.
P44 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 038* Maybe Sueki. Fragment of pottery decorated by impression. Many inclusions of big quartz and mica.
P44 in Oka
AF TBO STC 037* Fragment of rim, with some quartz inclusions. Maybe Hajiki.
P32 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 036* Sueki pottery, fragment of a wall. Produced by hand, some decoration by impression.
P30 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 035 Sue ware fragment of a lid rim. Many quartz inclusions. Likely of the TK209 or TK217 typochronological phase.
P36 in Oka.
須恵器杯蓋口縁部片。TK209 あるいはTK217型式期に位置付けられます。
AF TBO STC 034* Fragment of a rim, jar. Full of inclusions, maybe quartz and mica. The shape suggest to be part of a beak.
P46 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 033 Sue ware lid fragment of the TK209 or TK217 typochronological phase. Quartz inclusions.
P45 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 032* Haji pottery, fragment of a rim, with traces of a bad firing and quartz inclusions. Concrection of the external surface.
P9 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 031 * Haji pottery, fragment of rim with quartz inclusions.
P17 in Oka.
AFTBO STC 030* Haji pottery, wall with inclusions of quartz and some traces of firing activity.
P5 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 029* Sueki pottery, fragment of wall decorated by impression and full of inclusions of quartz. Maybe burnished.
P3 in Oka
AF TBO STC 028* Haji pottery, fragment of wall with inner black line caused by bad firing, many inclusions of quartz. Concrection in the external surface.
P13 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 027* Sueki pottery, fragment of a wall with many inclusions of quartz. Decorated by impression.
P14 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 026* Hajiki pottery fragment of everted rim, with inner black line caused by bad firing, and many inclusions specially quartz.
P7 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 025* Maybe Haji pottery, fragment of wall with very small inclusions and present on both surfaces traces of fire activity
P8 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 024* Sueki pottery, wall, maybe a jar, with textile impressed decoration and characterized by bad firing and many kind of inclusions, quartz and maybe mica.
P1 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 023 * Maybe haji pottery, frament of a rim, small inclusions of quartz.
P118 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 022* Haji pottery, fragment of a rim, orange color, and very small inclusions.
P6 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 021* Haji pottery, fragment of a rim, orange color, and very small inclusions.
P6 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 020* Fragment of the rim of a lid. (Sue ware).
Possibily TK217 group-P10 in oka.
AF TBO STC 019* Sueki pottery, small fragment of a wall. In the section there is a black line cause to bad firing. Small inclusions of quartz.
P16 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 018* Haji pottery fragment of a wall.
P11 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 017* Haji pottery fragment of wall, small quartz inclusions.
P2 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 016* Sueki pottery fragment of rim or lid, smooth surface. Could be TK10 group.
P85 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 015* Maybe Sueki pottery fragment of rim, with quartz inclusions.
P21 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 014* Sueki pottery fragment, wall, maybe a jar. With textil impression decoration.
P18 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 013 Fragment of pottery wall, maybe Sueki, with quartz inclusions. Maybe a jar.
AF TBO STC 012* Sueki grey pottery fragment, could be a lid, maybe of a TK217 group or TK209 group, without visible inclusions.
P71 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 011* Pottery fragment of wall, maybe Haji with inclusions to be defined. The fragment shows burned traces on both surfaces.
P20 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 010* Sueki pottery, wall with traces of a burning activity on the face and many inclusions of quartz. Inside and outside is burned. Impressed decoration inside and outside
P26 in Oka。
AF TBO STC 009* Stone.
AF TBO STC 008* Rim fragment of black glazed pottery with quartz inclusions
P24 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 007 Ceramic roof tile. External surface presents impressions from twisted cord used in the production process. Internal surface presents marks left by a textile.
P119 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 003* Rim of thin walls Haji pottery bowl with small inclusion of quartz and black line generated by bad firing.
P13 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 006* Sueki pottery, wall with traces of a burning activity on the face and many inclusions of quartz. Inside and outside is burned. Impressed decoration inside and outside
P22 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 005* Haji pottery, rim from a cup with many inclusions of quartz orange slash beige (?)
P25 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 002* Thin walls Haji pottery bowl (wall) with small inclusion of quartz with a black line generated by bad firing.
P13 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 001* Bottom of thin walls Haji pottery bowl with small inclusion of quartz with a black line generated by bad firing.
P13 in Oka.
SU 108 desc
SU 108 sam
SU 108 dat
SU 108 stra
SU 108 reg
SU 108
Layer of compact yellowish dark brown sandy silt with unworked stones.
US 107 desc
US 107 sam
SU 107 dat
SU 107 stra
SU 107 reg
SU 107
Layer of orange brown soil, with inclusions of small unworked stones.
SU 106 sam
SU106 desc
SU 106 dat
SU 106 stra
SU 106 reg
SU 106
Layer of dull yellowish orange compact and very pure soil.
SU 5 desc