SU 226
Layer of dark brown friable silty soil with included small, medium and large unworked stones
SU 211 dat
SU 211 strat
SU 211 desc
AF TBO STC 124 * Haji pottery fragment of Wall with very big inclusions of quartz and vegetables
P65 in Oka
SU 211 REG
SU 211
Layer of compact grewish silty soil
AF TBO STC 122* Haji pottery fragment of Wall, coarse Ware
P57 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 121 * Haji pottery fragment of rim or lid
P99 in Oka
Su 210 sam
AF TBO STC 120 * Haji pottery fragment of a Wall with traces of fire and polished in both sides.
P98 in Oka.
Sueki pottery fragment of rim or lid. with quartz inclusions. Maybe TK209 or TK217
AF TBO STC 118 * Haji pottery fragment of Wall, seems fired
P60 in Oka
Su 210 dat
AFC TBO STC 117* Sue ware pottery fragment of wall, likely from a dish.
P28,71 in Oka. Found in excavation edition TBO1.
SU 210 strat
Sueki pottery fragment of a wall with quartz inclusions and geometric lines decorations at the external surface (!)
Su 210 desc
Sueki pottery fragment of a lid or rim with big fragments of quartz inclusions
AF TBO STC 114* Sueki pottery fragment of a lid or rim, with big fragments of quartz inclusions.
P95 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 113 * Glazed pottery (?)
P87 in Oka.
Sueki pottery fragment of rim, with quartz incmusions. Maybe TK209
AF TBO STC 110* Haji pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions
P97 in Oka
AF TBO STC 109* Haji pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions
P93 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 108 * Haji pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions
P104 in Oka
AF TBO STC 107 * Haji pottery fragment with quartz inclusions
P115 in OKa
SU 210 reg
AF TBO STC 106* Haji pottery fragment of a Wall with quartz small inclusions
P106 in Oka.
AF 105
Haji pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions. Burnished in the external surface with some streaks. And traces of vegetable inclusions
AF TBO STC 108* Sueki pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions .
P104 in Oka.
AF 103
Sueki pottery fragment of a bottom with quartz inclusions
AFC TBO STC 102* Sueki pottery fragment of a bottom with quartz inclusions
P100,P102 in Oka
AF TBO STC 101* Haji pottery fragment of a Wall handle attachtment. Quartz inclusions.
P81 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 100* Haji pottery fragment of Wall attatched to the neck. With vegetable inclusions. Maybe slip (engobe) (?)
P113 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 099 * Haji pottery fragment of Wall, attatchment of the neck part. Inckusionsnif quartz
P114 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 098 * Haji pottery fragment of wall
P114 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 097* Haji pottery fragment of Wall
AF 96
Sueki pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions and geometric decoration at the external surface
AF TBO STC 095 * Sueki pottery fragment of a wall with quartz inclusions and geometric decoration at the external surface
P112 in Oka
Sueki pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions and geometric decoration in the external surface
AF TBO STC 093 * Haji pottery fragment of Wall, small inckusions of quartz
P105 in Oka
SU 210
Layer of compact greywish silty soil
SU 209 dat
AF TBO STC 092 Sue ware fragment perhaps of haso. Carenated rim with quartz inclusions.
P107 in Oka.
SU 209 strat
AF TBO STC 091 * Haji pottery fragment of a rim with traces of fire in the infernale surface
P54 in Oka
AF TBO STC 090 Sue ware fragment of a jar body with geometric markings on the internal surface displaying the paddle and anvil technique and quartz inclusions
P53 in oka.
AF TBO STC 089* Sueki pottery fragment of a Wall with quartz inclusions. Geometric decoration on the external surface .
P66 in Oka.
SU 209 desc
AF TBO STC 088 Sue ware fragment of pottery wall with quartz inclusions. Internal surface displays geometric markings of paddle-and-anvil manufacturing technique.
P110 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 087* Sueki pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions. Geometric decoration in the external surface
P80 in Oka
SU 209 reg
AF TBO STC 086* Sueki pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions. Geometric decoration in the external surface
P72 in Oka.
SU 209
layer of dark brown sandy silt
AF TBO STC 085* Sueki pottery fragment of a Wall with quartz inclusions
P62 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 084* Haji pottery fragment of Wall with black firing traces on the inside.
P59 in Oka.
SU 208 desc
AF TBO STC 083* Haji pottery fragment of Wall, with black traces of firing in the inside .
P59 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 082* Haji pottery fragment of rim, black traces of firing in the inside .
P59 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 081 * Haji pottery fragment of Wall with big inclusions of quartz
P63 in Oka
SU 208 Sam
SU 208 dat
AF TBO STC 080* Sueki pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions. Geometric decoration motifs in the external surface
P58 in Oka
AF TBO STC 079 * Pottery fragment of a Wall. Inclusions of quartz. Bad firing traces. Maybe sueki
P61 in Oka.
SU 208 strat
AF TBO STC 078* Sueki pottery fragment of bottom, quartz inclusions
P101 in Oka
SU 225
Accumulation of river stones
SU 208 reg
fill of the cut - 207
AF TBO STC 077* Sueki pottery fragment of bottom with quartz inclusions and polished in the external surface.
P56 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 073 Roof tile fragment.
P76 in Oka.
SU 208
Fill of the cut -207
SU -207 strat
SU 219
Fill of the cut - 221
SU 214
Fill of the cut - 218
SU 215
Layer of dark brown compact silty soil with inclusions of small unworked stones
SU -207 Desc
AF TBO STC 075* Sueki pottery fragment of rim, carenated rim, quartz incmusions. Maybe TK209. Burnished
P64 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 074* Sueki pottery fragment of bottom, quartz inclusions
P52 in Oka.
SU -207 reg
SU -207
SU 206 sam
SU 206 dat
SU 206 strat
SU 206 desc
Accumulation of river stones
AF TBO STC 072* Sueki pottery fragment of rim, with quartz inclusions. Carenated rim.
P79 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 071 Sue ware pottery rim fragment with quartz inclusions. Likely belongs to TK209 phase.
P75 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 070 * Sueki pottery fragment of Wall, quartz inclusions. Decoration in the external surface with geometric motifs
P70 in Oka.
AFC TBO STC 069* Sueki pottery fragment of Wall, with quartz . Maybe TK209 or TK217.
P77,78 in Oka.
SU 206 reg
Accumulation of river stones
SU 206
Accumulation of river stones
AF TBO STC 068* Sueki pottery fragment of bottom with quartz inclusions
P83 in Oka.
Su 205 sam
Su 205 dat
SU 205 strat
AF TBO STC 067* Sueki pottery fragment of Wall, with decoration on the external surface with parallel lines (maybe kame), with quartz inclusions .
P82 in Oka.
SU 205 desc
AFC TBO STC 066 Fragment of the wall of a Sue ware pot (kame). Markings display paddle and anvil manufacturing technique.
P81 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 1081 and AF TBO STC 1082 combine to form this complex object.
Sue ware fragment of pottery wall with quartz inclusions
Su 205 reg
SU 205
Layer of dark brown compact silty soil with included small unworked stones