SU 03 002 dat
SU 03 002 desc
SU 03 002 reg
SU 03 002 第3トレンチの第2層である流土層。
SU 03 001 strat
SU 03 001 sam
SU 03 001 dat
SU 03 001 desc
SU 03 001 reg
AF TBO STC 156* Fragment of metal arrow head.
ハI 4 in Oka.
AF 155 Fragment of metal nail
Yayoi Boar Jaw A wild boar jaw coming from the Minakimata site and which presents a manipulation at the height of the Ramus Mandibulae with the creation of a large hole, with an unknown function up to rejoining with the foramen mandibulae. Along the "oblique line" and the arcus alveoaris there are other incisions with an unknown function.
AF Test 220601
Composition of lime, sand, water, etc. that has been dried.
Wooden remains
Construction materials for making walls and adorning roofs.
SU Test 220601 DESC
SU Test 220601 SAM
SU Test 220601 DAT
Contains 5th century sue ware
SU Test 220601 REG
SU Test 220601 STRAT
SU Test 220601
Fill of a cut
The color of the SU
Indication of the criteria (variation in color, consistency, composition, components, etc.) that were used to distinguish the surface of the SU under examination from the other units and to describe all the reasons that allowed it to be isolated and identified.
Excavation limit
When the layer has not been completely excavated, at some point it continues beyond the current excavation limits.
Positive artificial process.
When the boundaries of the stratum are the original ones.
Positive artificial process
Positive artificial process
When the boundaries of the stratum have been affected by cuts.
Negative process
Negative artificial process
Negative natural process
Negative artificial process
粘土0~15%、シルト45~100%、砂0~15%を含む土性。鉛筆程度の太さに彫塑できる 砂が多いか、粘土と砂が半々くらいである。粘性がほとんどなく、自由に成形できない。
Not sandy and granular. Adheres like plasticine. Not viscious. Not difficult to deform. Does not break easily.
Objects purposefully made of stone
Includes earthenware and stoneware pottery.
Human bone
Animal bone
Composition of the soil
Processes that brought to the formation of the stratigraphic unit
The compaction of the deposit provides some indications about the processes that affected it during or after its formation.
Types of inclusions found in the stratum
AF TTK 010 XRPD processing and modeling
Mineralogical analysis.
AF TTK 010 XRPD acquisition X-ray Powder Diffraction from sample AF TTK 010.
AF UEN 001 PLM processing and modeling Petrographic examination
AF UEN 001 PLM acquisition Photomicrographs acquired at different magnifications.
AF TTK 010 PLM processing and modeling Petrographic examination
AF TTK 010 DR 60 kV processing and modeling Resulting 60 kV radiograph
AF TTK 010 DR 40 kV processing and modeling Resulting 40 kV radiograph
AF TTK 010 60 kV DR acquisition
Measurements details and raw radiographic data acquired at 60 kV
AF TTK 010 DR 40 kV acquisition
Measurements details and raw radiographic data acquired at 40 kV
AF UEN 001 OM interpretation_2
Micromorphology of AF UEN 001 cross-section compared with those of fragments with similar elemental composition determined by ICP-OES.
AF UEN 001 OM interpretation_1
Micromorphology of the surface of ceramic shard.
AF UEN 001 OM acquisition Optical microscopy (stereomicroscopy) on surface and reflected light microscopy on polished cross sections of ceramic sample AF UEN 001.
AF UEN 001 ICP-OES interpretation_2
Composition of AF UEN 001 determined by ICP-OES compared with the one of other coheval fragments found in Kibi and Izumo areas.
AF UEN 001 ICP-OES interpretation_1
Classification of clay body according to Ca and Mg concentration.
AF UEN 001 ICP-OES acquisition Procedures for measurements and raw data.
AF UEN 001 ICP-OES processing and modeling Quantitative elemental composition for major, minor and trace elements
AF UEN 001 SEM Accuracy Value table AF UEN 001 SEM Accuracy Value table
SEM Cartesian diagram of clusters
SEM Cartesian diagram of clusters on the excavation area to examine similarities and differences.
Zanmochi archaeological site, province of Shimane.
ざんもち 遺跡, 島根県.
Tatetsuki/楯築遺跡 The Tatetsuki Site is a burial mound built in the late Yayoi period located in Yabe, Kurashiki City. Most of the protrusions were destroyed during the development work that took place in the 1960s, but the total length including the disappeared protrusions is estimated to be about 80m, making it one of the largest burial mounds in Japan during the same period.
An excavation survey conducted by Okayama University revealed that the main burial was a wooden coffin structure with wooden boards surrounding the outside of the coffin. At the bottom of the wooden coffin, a large amount of mercury vermilion with a total weight of more than 32 kg was thickly spread, and on top of it, an iron sword, magatama, tube beads, small glass beads, and other beads were buried. . In addition, in the vicinity of the center of the circular mound, which is the upper part of the central body, a large number of pebbles are deposited. Many relics were included, such as a small stone with a pattern similar to the Sentaimonseki, which is the object of worship of the former Tatetsuki Shrine.
Tobiotsuka kofun / 鳶尾塚古墳 This is Tobiotsuka Kofun, a mounded tomb located in Soja City, Okayama Prefecture, and dating to the Late Kofun period (late 6th to early 7th century). The truly impressive size of its stone chamber suggests that the interred individual was a powerful ruler of the area.
Tatetsuki n1 Archaeological fragment at Okayama Univ. from a Kofun of the Yayoi period
SU 226 sam
SU 226 dat
SU 226 strat
SU 225 desc
SU 225 sam
SU 226 desc
SU 225 dat
SU 226 reg
SU 224 sam
SU 224 dat
SU 225 strat
SU 224 desc
SU 225 reg Accumulation of river stones with sub-circolar distribution
SU 224 strat
SU 222 desc
SU 222 sam