Yayoi Boar Jaw


タイトル (Dublin Core)
Yayoi Boar Jaw
Description (Dublin Core)
A wild boar jaw coming from the Minakimata site and which presents a manipulation at the height of the Ramus Mandibulae with the creation of a large hole, with an unknown function up to rejoining with the foramen mandibulae. Along the "oblique line" and the arcus alveoaris there are other incisions with an unknown function.
AF number (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
AF BE-ARCHAEO (SU Record - Registry Section)
Animal Bones
AF Getty-AAT (SU Record - Registry Section)
bone (material)
CHRONOLOGY (SU Record - Dating Section)
CHRONOLOGY MOTIVATION (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
The artifact comes from the Minamikata site which was assigned at the time of the excavation at the Yayoi era. Ref. Koji Mizoguchi, The Archeology of Japan: From the Earliest Rice Farming Villages to the Rise of the State, pag 133