SU Test 220601 SAM


タイトル (Dublin Core)
SU Test 220601 SAM
FINDS QUANTITATIVE DATA (text explanation) - 定量的データ(テキストで) (SU Record - Sampling Section - ja)
ja 土器片3つ
en Three pottery fragments
FLOTATION (%) - フローテーション(%) (SU Record - Sampling Section - ja)
SIEVING (%) - ふるい分け(%) (SU Record - Sampling Section - ja)
STRATIGRAPHIC RELIABILITY - 層位的信頼性 (SU Record - Sampling Section - ja)
SMALL FINDS (provide reference to AF Record) - 特筆すべき遺物(AF登録へのリンク) (SU Record - Sampling Section - ja)
AF Test 220601

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Items with "SAMPLING SECTION (some SUsam item) - 層位台帳:試料分析: SU Test 220601 SAM"
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