Title (Dublin Core)
Description (Dublin Core)
The Tatetsuki Site is a burial mound built in the late Yayoi period located in Yabe, Kurashiki City. Most of the protrusions were destroyed during the development work that took place in the 1960s, but the total length including the disappeared protrusions is estimated to be about 80m, making it one of the largest burial mounds in Japan during the same period.
An excavation survey conducted by Okayama University revealed that the main burial was a wooden coffin structure with wooden boards surrounding the outside of the coffin. At the bottom of the wooden coffin, a large amount of mercury vermilion with a total weight of more than 32 kg was thickly spread, and on top of it, an iron sword, magatama, tube beads, small glass beads, and other beads were buried. . In addition, in the vicinity of the center of the circular mound, which is the upper part of the central body, a large number of pebbles are deposited. Many relics were included, such as a small stone with a pattern similar to the Sentaimonseki, which is the object of worship of the former Tatetsuki Shrine.
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Items with "DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT (initially found in) - 直接関連オブジェクト(発見された場所): Tatetsuki/楯築遺跡"
Title |
Class |
AF TTK 018 |
Archaeological finding record
AF TTK 020 |
Archaeological finding record
AF TTK 021 |
Archaeological Finding Catalogue Record - 出土遺物台帳
AF TTK 023 |
Archaeological finding record
AF TTK 055 |
Archaeological finding record
AF TTK 059 |
Archaeological finding record