Tobiotsuka kofun / 鳶尾塚古墳


Title (Dublin Core)
Tobiotsuka kofun / 鳶尾塚古墳
Description (Dublin Core)
This is Tobiotsuka Kofun, a mounded tomb located in Soja City, Okayama Prefecture, and dating to the Late Kofun period (late 6th to early 7th century). The truly impressive size of its stone chamber suggests that the interred individual was a powerful ruler of the area.


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Items with "DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT found in: Tobiotsuka kofun / 鳶尾塚古墳"
Title Class
AF TBO STC 182 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 183 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 184 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 201 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 203 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 204 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 206 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 207 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 208 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 209 Archaeological finding record
Items with "DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT (initially found in) - 直接関連オブジェクト(発見された場所): Tobiotsuka kofun / 鳶尾塚古墳"
Title Class
AF TBO STC 013 Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 025* Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 055* Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 094 Archaeological Finding Catalogue Record - 出土遺物台帳
AF TBO STC 098 * Archaeological finding record
AF TBO 001 058 Archaeological Finding Catalogue Record - 出土遺物台帳
AF TBO 01 1002* Archaeological finding record
AF TBO 03 1004* Archaeological finding record
AF TBO 04 1002* Archaeological Finding Catalogue Record - 出土遺物台帳
AF TBO 04 1005* Archaeological Finding Catalogue Record - 出土遺物台帳
AF TBO STC 010* Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 019* Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 023 * Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 056 * Archaeological finding record
AF TBO STC 072* Archaeological finding record