AF 96
- タイトル (Dublin Core)
- AF 96
- Description (Dublin Core)
- Sueki pottery fragment of Wall with quartz inclusions and geometric decoration at the external surface
- AF number (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
- 96
- SOURCE (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
- SU 227
- AF BE-ARCHAEO (SU Record - Registry Section)
- Pottery:Vessel:Unglazed_stoneware_(sekki)
- AF Getty-AAT (SU Record - Registry Section)
- Sue (ceramics style)
- DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT located in (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
- AF TBO STC 094
AF TBO STC 095 *
- CHRONOLOGY (SU Record - Dating Section)
- 6-7th
- Item sets
- Archaeological findings