AF TBO STC 175A XRF processing and modeling


Title (Dublin Core)
AF TBO STC 175A XRF processing and modeling
Description (Dublin Core)
en Qualitative analysis observing the spectra peaks of the measurements performed on the residual coating of the finding. Finer processing (as quantitative analysis) is prevented by the presence of alteration products and soil on the surface.
INPUT - 元となるデータなど (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
AF TBO STC 175A XRF acquisition
PROCESSING / MODELING DETAILS - 分析詳細 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
en Comparison between slightly polished and non-polished areas of the shard. The image refers to 40kV spectra.

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Items with "ARCHAEOMETRIC INVESTIGATION (some archaeometric data record) - 理化学的分析あり(リンクを含める): AF TBO STC 175A XRF processing and modeling"
Title Class
AF TBO STC 175 Archaeological finding record
Items with "INPUT - 元となるデータなど: AF TBO STC 175A XRF processing and modeling"
Title Class
AF TBO STC 175A XRF Data interpretation Data_interpretation_CR