AF TBO 168


Title (Dublin Core)
AF TBO 168
Description (Dublin Core)
en Unidentified fragment of metal artefact. Spectulations: part of an arrow or frame from a saddle. Found outside of the chamber (6tr).
jp 正体不明の金属加工品の破片。投機:サドルからの矢またはピンの一部。チャンバーの外で発見 (6tr)
AF number (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
AF TBO 168
AF BE-ARCHAEO (SU Record - Registry Section)
AF Getty-AAT (SU Record - Registry Section)
DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT located in (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
Okayama University
DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT found in (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
Tobiotsuka kofun / 鳶尾塚古墳
CHRONOLOGY (SU Record - Dating Section)
en Kofun period (300-700 AD)
jp 古墳時代(西暦300年~700年)
CHRONOLOGY MOTIVATION (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
en Archaeological stratigraphy and stone chamber characteristics.
jp 考古学的な層序と石室の特徴。
ARCHAEOMETRIC INVESTIGATION (some archaeometric data record) - 理化学的分析あり(リンクを含める) (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
AF TBO 168 OM acquisition
AF TBO 168 OM processing and modeling
AF TBO 168 XRF acquisition