AF TTK 101


Title (Dublin Core)

AF TTK 101

Description (Dublin Core)

en Yayoi pottery - shard of Tokusyu-Kidai (large ceremonial pot stands), from Tatetski archaeological site. Probably the upper rim and different than the other Class A according to the triangular decoration.
jp 弥生土器 - 楯築遺跡出土の特種器台の破片。おそらく上部の縁と三角形の装飾によると、他のクラス A とは異なります。

AF number (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)

AF TTK 101

AF BE-ARCHAEO (SU Record - Registry Section)


AF Getty-AAT (SU Record - Registry Section)

DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT located in (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)

DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT found in (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)

CHRONOLOGY (SU Record - Dating Section)

en Late Yayoi period (100-300 AD)
jp 弥生時代後期(西暦100年~300年)

CHRONOLOGY MOTIVATION (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)

en Pottery Typochronology
jp 陶器類年表

ARCHAEOMETRIC INVESTIGATION (some archaeometric data record) - 理化学的分析あり(リンクを含める) (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)

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Title Alternate label Class
Tatetsuki Pottery Set 2022/02 Collection
Batch A location Annotation