SU 105 ETB1bB18


Title (Dublin Core)

SU 105 ETB1bB18

Description (Dublin Core)

Sample to analyze fungal communities

IS SAMPLE OF (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary - ja)

Date (Dublin Core)

23 August 2019

OPERATOR (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary - ja)

Chiara Tonon & Sergio Favero Longo

SAMPLING DETAILS (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary - ja)

This sample weights 5.8g. There are no replicates.

SAMPLING TYPE (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary - ja)

Excavated sample

ARCHAEOMETRIC INVESTIGATION (some archaeometric data record) - 理化学的分析あり(リンクを含める) (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)

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Title Alternate label Class
SU 105 DAC BIO ETB1bB18 CR Data acquisition/creation catalogue record - JA MISSING
Title Alternate label Class
SUSS TBO Ext trenches 1&2 CR Collection