AF TTK 010 PLM acquisition


Title (Dublin Core)
AF TTK 010 PLM acquisition
Description (Dublin Core)
en Photomicrographs acquired at different magnifications.
jp さまざまな倍率で取得した顕微鏡写真。
INVESTIGATION DATE - 分析の日付 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
November 3, 2019
ACQUISITION / CREATION TYPE - 分析方法 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
en Polarized light microscopy
jp 偏光顕微鏡
polarized light microscopy
ACQUISITION / CREATION DETAILS - 分析詳細 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
en Polarized and cross polarized light microscopy of thin sections.
Each sample (fragment) was put in impregnating resin before the cut.
Mainly CEMEDINE (epoxy resin) was used for mounting the ground plane on glass slide.
Nikon Eclipse Ci POL, lambda plate: 530nm
2x = 5 mm
4x = 2.5 mm
10x = 1 mm
40x = 0.5 mm
jp 薄切片の偏光および交差偏光顕微鏡。
Nikon Eclipse Ci POL、ラムダプレート: 530 nm
2x = 5mm
4x = 2.5mm
10x = 1mm
40x = 0.5mm

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AF TTK 010 Archaeological Finding Catalogue Record - 出土遺物台帳
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