AF MNM 050


タイトル (Dublin Core)
AF MNM 050
Description (Dublin Core)
en Boar skull from the Minamikata site
This sizable wild boar skull, unearthed from the Minamikata site dating back to the Yayoi period, appears to exhibit distinct signs of domestication by the local populace. The domestication process often involves a reduction in defensive features, such as horns and tusks, as well as a decrease in cranial size. In the case of wild boars, it results in a flattening of the cranial structure, making it more akin to that of domestic pigs.
ja 南方遺跡から出土したイノシシの頭蓋骨
AF number - AF番号 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
SOURCE OF THE FINDING (some SU record) - 出土層 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
Minamikata / 南方
Object definition (Be-Archaeo thesaurus) - BE-ARCHAEOシソーラスでの分類 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
Animal Bones
Object definition (Getty-AAT thesaurus) - Gettyシソーラスでの分類 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
skulls (skeleton components)
DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT (currently located in) - 直接関連オブジェクト(現在、所蔵されている場所) (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
Okayama Archaeological Museum
DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT (initially found in) - 直接関連オブジェクト(発見された場所) (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
Minamikata / 南方
CHRONOLOGY - 年代 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
en Yayoi period
ja 弥生時代
CHRONOLOGY MOTIVATION - 年代根拠 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
en Dating of the excavated feature
ja 出土遺構の年代
ARCHAEOMETRIC INVESTIGATION (some archaeometric data record) - 理化学的分析あり(リンクを含める) (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
AF MNM 050 PG acquisition

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Title Class
AF MNM 050 PG acquisition Data_acquisition_or_creation_CR