SU 04 Block B des


タイトル (Dublin Core)

SU 04 Block B des

DESCRIPTION OF THE SU - 説明 (SU Record - Description Section - ja)


DISTINGUISHING CRITERIA - 他の層との弁別根拠 (SU Record - Description Section - ja)

FORMATION PROCESS - 形成過程 (SU Record - Description Section - ja)

MEASUREMENTS - 計測 (SU Record - Description Section - ja)

長さ0.05m 幅0.38m

LIMITS OF THE UNIT - 層の範囲 (SU Record - Description Section - ja)

STATE OF PRESERVATION - 遺存状態 (SU Record - Description Section - ja)


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DESCRIPTION SECTION (some SUdesc item) - 層位台帳:説明
Title Alternate label Class
SU 04 Block B Stratigraphic Unit Catalogue Record - 層位台帳