Archaeological finding record
Archaeological Finding Catalogue Record - 出土遺物台帳
AF TTK 133 Yayoi pottery - shard from a jar neck from Tatetski archaeological site.
AF TTK 132 Yayoi pottery - shard from a jar rim from Tatetski archaeological site.
AF TTK 131 Yayoi pottery - shard of foot from Tokusyu-Kidai (large ceremonial pot stands), from Tatetski archaeological site.
AF TBO 210 Debris on rim of lidded dish. (Sue ware). It is difficult to define as part of the body or lid. Found outside the stone chamber (6tr).
AF TBO STC 209 A fragment of the rim of the pedestal plate (Sue ware).
AF TBO STC 208 Bowl foot fragment (Sue ware).
AF TBO STC 207 Pottery fragment (Sue ware).
AF TBO STC 206 Fragment of a foot pedestal (Sue ware).
AF TBO 205 Dish fragment (Sue ware).
AF TBO STC 204 Haji ware of pedestal dish (low fired earthenware).
AF TBO STC 203 Fragment of a pottery lid (Sue ware).
AF TBO 202 Haji ware. Pedestal plate (low fire earthenware).
AF TBO STC 201 Fragment of a pottery lid (Sue ware).
AF KNK 001 This house-shaped haniwa was found from Kanakurayama Kofun in Okayama Prefecture. It dates to the latter 4th to early 5th century.
AFC TBO STC 1057 Sueki pottery fragment of bottom with quartz inclusions and polished in the external surface. P56, P55, P34, P73, P45, P36, P79, P75 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 057 * Sueki pottery fragment of bottom with quartz inclusions and polished in the external surface. P73 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 1028* 古墳時代(TK217型式)の須恵器杯蓋片。 岡山大学遺物番号P28。 AF TBO STC 012と接合。
AF TBO STC 1082 Sue ware fragment of pottery wall (kame) displaying marks deriving from paddle and anvil manufacturing technique. P81 in Oka. Combines with AF TBO STC 1081 to form AFC TBO STC 066. 古墳時代の須恵器片。 岡山大学遺物番号P81。 AF TBO STC 1081と接合(AFC TBO STC 066)。
AF TBO STC 1081 Sue ware fragment of pottery wall (kame) displaying marks deriving from paddle and anvil manufacturing technique. P81 in Oka. Combines with AF TBO STC 1082 to form AFC TBO STC 066. 古墳時代の須恵器片。 岡山大学遺物番号P81。 AF TBO STC 1082と接合。(AFC TBO STC 066)
AF TBO STC 1069 * Fragment of pottery wall, maybe Sueki, with quartz inclusions. Maybe a jar. P69 in Oka.
AF TBO STC 1078* 古墳時代須恵器口縁部片。 岡山大学遺物番号P78
AF TBO STC 1077* 古墳時代須恵器口縁部片。 岡山大学遺物番号P77
AF TBO STC 1102* 古墳時代須恵器片。 岡山大学遺物番号P102。
AF TBO STC 1100* 古墳時代須恵器片。 岡山大学遺物番号P100。
AFC TBO STC 1013* 古墳時代土師器口縁部・底部片。 岡山大学遺物番号P13