AF TGY 004
Object definition (Be-Archaeo thesaurus) - BE-ARCHAEOシソーラスでの分類 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
Survey date (Dublin Core)
Survey Operator (Dublin Core)
Vittorio Lauro
Validation Information (Bibliographic Ontology)
1) 40 2) Regard 3D, A-KAZE for keypoint detection and LIOP (Local Intensity Order Pattern) for feature descriptor 3) CMVS 4) Incremental Triangulation, Poisson Surface Reconstruction 5) Parameterization + Texturing from registered rasters, 8 textures 6) 66229, the model in the preserved parts presents coherence throughout its structure
Modelling Note (Curation)
1) Blender 2) the set and any part not inherent to the object
Export Note (Curation)
1) obj as native to the software, fbx for interactive Unity BeaVIR, JSON for DATABASE 2) This Database, interactive BeaVIR project, external solid archive of the BeArchaeo project and Google online drive of the BeArchaeo project
Classification CODE (Dublin Core)
Alfa01D (BeAPG)
Coordinates (Curation)
1) 34°41'17.39"N 133°55'6.72"E Okayama University Museum 2) 34°41'17.39"N 133°55'6.72"E Okayama University Museum 3) unknown
CHRONOLOGY (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary)
Latter 5th century
Acquisition type (Dublin Core)
Spiral acquisition with inclination of 30, 45 and 75 degrees