AF TBO STC 175A CT OM Data interpretation


タイトル (Dublin Core)

AF TBO STC 175A CT OM Data interpretation

内容記述/Description (Dublin Core)

Observation of corrosion products morphology by stereomicroscopy on finding exposed area in order to point details emerging from the resulting computed tomography and interpretation of 3D volume reconstruction of metal shard.

INVESTIGATION DATE - 分析の日付 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)

31 10月 2022

INPUT - 元となるデータなど (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)

INTERPRETATION TYPE - 解釈種類 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)

Human reasoning.

INTERPRETATION TERM - 解釈の用語や説明 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)

Morphology of the surface in relation to the morphology of the body.

INTERPRETATION DETAILS - 解釈詳細 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)

The computer tomography images show large discontinuities in grey-scale values, outlining that the shard could be completely covered by different degradation products and soil concretions, also suggested by its irregular profile on the back part. The small round cavity (dark region) of the shard is however well outlined by CT. This hole was drilled into the quiver probably meaning to hold it to the organic bag. Inside the hole there is a whiter area ascribable to the gold traces visible by microscopy.



ARCHAEOMETRIC INVESTIGATION (some archaeometric data record) - 理化学的分析あり(リンクを含める)
タイトル 代替ラベル クラス
AF TBO STC 175 Archaeological finding record