AF TBO 169 CT Data interpretation


タイトル (Dublin Core)
AF TBO 169 CT Data interpretation
内容記述/Description (Dublin Core)
Details emerging from the resulting computed tomography and interpretation of 3D volume reconstruction of metal shard.
INVESTIGATION DATE - 分析の日付 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
INPUT - 元となるデータなど (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
AF TBO 169 CT processing and modeling
INTERPRETATION TYPE - 解釈種類 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
Human reasoning
INTERPRETATION TERM - 解釈の用語や説明 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
Morphology of metal shard.
INTERPRETATION DETAILS - 解釈詳細 (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
Computer tomography acquisitions revealed some parallel lines under the first white-ish layer of corrosion. Considering their geometry and the fact that they are visible just in the upper part of the shard, they can be defined as a decorative part of the finding, probably an incision.


アイテム with "ARCHAEOMETRIC INVESTIGATION (some archaeometric data record) - 理化学的分析あり(リンクを含める): AF TBO 169 CT Data interpretation"
タイトル クラス
AF TBO 169 Archaeological finding record