AF MNM 049


タイトル (Dublin Core)
AF MNM 049
内容記述/Description (Dublin Core)
en Shell from the Minamikata site
This seashell hails from the excavation of Minamikata, an ancient Yayoi-era settlement nestled within the bustling heart of present-day Okayama, Shimane Prefecture. It's a tangible relic of the ingenious resourcefulness of the local inhabitants, who ingeniously fashioned everyday tools and ceremonial artifacts from shells and bones. In all likelihood, this particular shell served as a spoon, a function it shares with other shells discovered in the vicinity.
ja 南方遺跡から出土した貝
AF number - AF番号 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
Object definition (Be-Archaeo thesaurus) - BE-ARCHAEOシソーラスでの分類 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
Object definition (Getty-AAT thesaurus) - Gettyシソーラスでの分類 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT (currently located in) - 直接関連オブジェクト(現在、所蔵されている場所) (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
Okayama Archaeological Museum
DIRECTLY RELATED OBJECT (initially found in) - 直接関連オブジェクト(発見された場所) (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
Minamikata / 南方
CHRONOLOGY - 年代 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
en Yayoi period
ja 弥生時代
CHRONOLOGY MOTIVATION - 年代根拠 (Archaeological Finding Record Vocabulary - ja)
en Dating of the feature from which it was excavated.
ja 出土遺構の年代
ARCHAEOMETRIC INVESTIGATION (some archaeometric data record) - 理化学的分析あり(リンクを含める) (Archaeometric Investigation Record Vocabulary)
AF MNM 049 PG acquisition
original photo


アイテム with "INPUT - 元となるデータなど: AF MNM 049"
タイトル クラス
AF MNM 049 PG acquisition Data_acquisition_or_creation_CR