Optical microscopy on surface and reflected light stereomicroscopy on pottery shard.
The microscopic observation of the fragment was carried out to make a general characterization of ceramic materials. The guidelines applied for the examination of each sample was evaluated:
• The technological class (ceramic)
• The shape and size of the sample (length, width, and thickness)
• The presence of decorations (incisions, impressions, and rims)
• The potential presence of pigment
• The type of paste and its colour
• The amount of inclusions present (low, medium or high)
• The shape (rounded, sub-rounded, sub-angular and angular) and dimensions (fine to coarse) of inclusions
• The presence of iron-oxides
• The potential presence of conservation interventions (glue, gypsum, label ink and label paper)
Instrument: Nikon SMZ745T.
Lens: SM-LW61Ji3 version 3
Data table for ceramic samples from Tatetski and Shimane (Ueno, Zanmochi and Ishida) analysed by Inductive Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy.