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The main core of BE-ARCHAEO is the archaeological excavation of the Tobiotsuka
Kofun (Soja city in Okayama Prefecture) and challenging studies of other Kofun burial
mounds and related archaeological material in ancient Kibi and Izumo area (present
Okayama and Shimane Prefectures), focusing on the rituals, the regional relationships
and the formation of ancient state in Japan.

Archaeologists (from both Europe and Japan) will collaborate with a large team of
interlinked archaeometry experts (i.e.: chemists, physicists, biologists, geologists,
petrographers, veterinary surgeons and soil scientists) to carry on a very advanced
research focused on a major period of the old history of Japan. Journalists, video
makers, web masters and IT experts will participate in all the steps of activities from the
archaeological excavation to the laboratory, where the finds and all the different samples
taken on field will be processed.

All the involved experts will contribute their disciplinary skills to grow up a new trans-
disciplinary vision of archaeology combined with archaeometry. BE-ARCHAEO activities
will be accessible and engaging to the general public through media communication and
two final exhibitions will display the new storytelling – from the archaeological site to the
museum through archaeology and science – generated by the project.

The research is innovative from the methodological point of view and has received
funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation staff
exchange programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (grant agreement No.

The BE-ARCHAEO concepts are developed and implemented by a consortium of
prestigious European academic (University of Turin, University of Lisbon, IRIAE) and
private parties (TecnArt, Terra-Marine and Visual Dimension) and a partner institute in
Japan (Okayama University).

The commitment of all parties in Europe and in Japan is quite significant in terms of
faculty and staff members, who will be seconded for 175 months to all the involved
parties and mostly to Japan, where the main activities will take place.

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